After entering the
selections for everyone in your office pool, the calculator then
does the rest! At the click of a button it will download
the NFL scores for you and automatically determine the winner of
your pool! No more manual calculations! It will save
the results from week to week, for those who wish to keep a
running total, for bragging rights.
The program will
also automatically generate a
cross-reference chart, indicating exactly how many games each
player picked differently from everyone else!
No other spreadsheet or online service has
this feature!
You can also easily
play "what if?" Who would have won the pool if
this team had won instead of that team?
As just a few of
the winning teams are determined, the calculator
will automatically determine which players are still alive and which players are mathematically eliminated!
No other spreadsheet or online service has
this feature!
The calculator now
has the ability to import picks from Excel pick sheet
Forms. If you manage a large office pool, this feature may
be desirable. You won't have to enter their picks manually
into the program!
The calculator supports "regular" pools and pools
that use Confidence Points!
The program
supports pools that use (or ignore) the NFL pointspread!
The calculator supports a full schedule of
the 17 weekly games
or a smaller subset! (Your office pool doesn't have to
use the Thursday Night game, for example.)
At the request of several users, a
running total of prior week's scores are kept!
There are many
options to customize the program to your own personal
Two different weekly pick sheet forms,
for all 17 weeks of the NFL season, are included!