In the Island Town of Amity
Edward D. Collins

August 2024

In the island town of Amity
Where summer sun shines so bright by the sea
A shadow lurks beneath the waves
An unseen predator that nobody craves

A shark, a monster of the deep
Stalks the waters where secrets do sleep
With a mouth "this big" and eyes like a doll
We hear the music - we feel the call

A girl in the moonlight swims in the nude
Unaware of the danger that views her as food
The silver waves whisper secrets untold
As shadows emerge from the depths dark and cold

The music swells and tension ignites
A symphony of dread on that hot summer night
Each splash in the water sends chills down the spine
This is not human malice - it’s nature’s design

With splashes and screams, Chrissie's fate is now known
As shadows converge, she feels all alone
The moon casts a glow on her shimmering skin
Darkness around her - the nightmare begins

In a heartbeat it strikes - a flash and a roar!
The waves churn violently as she fights for the shore!
Yet nature’s cruel balance can seldom be swayed
In this dance of survival, it’s life that must fade

Chief Brody stands with furrowed brow
“Close the beaches,” he cries. "Close them now!"
But Mayor Vaughn, with greed in his heart
Fears the loss of tourists will tear them apart

Mr. Vaughn stood firm on that sandy beach
And turned to give us a quick little speech
“Tourism thrives,” he proclaimed with a grin
"Summer dollars are needed and everyone wins."

“Close the beaches!” Brody said again with a frown
But Larry dismissed him, “It’ll ruin our town!"
"We need their dollars. We need their dough!"
"They'll all be safe - it's just barracudas below."

And amidst this chaos and terror untold
There’s Polly in the office - her story unfolds
With ink-stained fingers and papers galore
She prints out warnings one should not ignore

“The beaches are closed!” she printed by hand
As Hendricks posted them into the sand
There diligence shines like a beacon of light
In a world overshadowed by fear and by fright

The best summer they had, that Fourth of July
The tourists appeared in abundant supply
But a fin soon appeared! A scream and a splash!
And in less than an instant dreams were now slashed

Amongst the young voices that echoed with glee
Was a boy named Alex and his raft by the sea
With dreams of adventure and permission from mom
He laid on his raft on the ocean so calm

Yet fate can be cruel - it twists like a knife
As jaws opened wide to claim innocent life
Pipit also went missing that day
("No, that's him on the dock!" others will say)

The cries of a mother pierced through the air
As she searched for her son with hope and a prayer
Innocent laughter could no longer be heard
Silenced by thoughts of what had occurred

Quint now appears, with grit and with scars
A hunter of monsters beneath shooting stars
With tales of the sea that chill to the bone
He offers his services - his skills too well known

“Ten thousand dollars,” he boldly declares
"To get rid of this beast - that price is quite fair!"
"I'll catch that bird for ya," he started to sing
"The head - the tail, the whole damn thing."

A great white shark, an eating machine
With a mouth "this big" only believed if it's seen
Yet amidst all the chaos, a voice rings out
Enter Matt Hooper, shark expert with clout

No boat accident - this was nature’s decree!
A reminder of power in waters so free
From Amity’s shores to the depths of despair
It must be a force beyond all compare

With dorsal fin slicing through waves like a knife
It brings forth a fear that disrupts all life
Not Jack the Ripper, with his sinister schemes
But nature’s own predator shattering dreams

A shark was soon caught and hung up by its tail!
Hooper said it's a tiger - the town will prevail!
Nothing but smiles from Brody and Vaughn!
Their problems are over - their worries all gone!

But Hooper knew something that no one else did
This wasn't the shark that killed that poor kid
This wasn't the shark that killed that poor girl
"Bite radius crap" began to unfurl

And now our hero Brody, the Chief of Police
Had Hooper cut Tiger, to give him some peace
But how do you fight what you cannot see?
How to find such a beast in a limitless sea?

With his boat he paid for - he had money to blow
Hooper studies his cameras to see what's below
A wetsuit he wore, he climbs over the side
And finds a shark tooth, where dangers abide

Vaughn wouldn't listen. Didn't care for the truth.
"Did you see it Brody? Did you see this tooth?"
"Those beaches remain open. That much is clear."
"But you keep them safe. Keep them safe, do you hear?"

But death struck again - scared all of those kids
And Vaughn signed the form - heaven forbid
Chief Brody stands firm, with resolve in his heart
Determined to play his most critical part

Brody knew he must help with this fight
It was HIS town - it was HIS plight!
So with Hooper’s shark cage and Quint’s money from Vaughn
The three of them set out the next morning at dawn

“Fast fish,” Hooper muses with a knowing grin
As he charts the depths where the hunt begins
Brody chumming below - Hooper driving the boat
Quint's Orca could be seen on the ocean afloat

With engines a-roaring and courage in tow
They venture to find what lies deep below
But as they draw closer, the tension does swell
For this is no fish - it’s a beast from hell!

The waves crash around them - the sky turns to gray!
And suddenly there’s chaos - oh what a fray!
With a mouth so big it could swallow ya whole!
Shakin'...  tenderizin'... down ya go!

“Need a bigger boat,” Brody says with a scare
As they grapple with fate and confront their despair
For with every barrel that danced on the waves
Lies the truth of their struggle against what enslaves

Quint sits in the cabin, his eyes filled with dread
Recalling the horrors of sailors long dead
“Eleven hundred men went into the water.”
He speaks of their fate - he speaks of the slaughter

Japanese torpedoes slammed into our side
He spoke of the horrors, of his friends who had died
From the wreckage of war, his nightmares arose
As he faced the monster where danger flows

As night fell upon them, with stars shining bright
They gathered together to share in their plight
With bottles of whiskey and laughter to spare
They sang songs of the sea and breathed in the air

“Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies”
Quint’s voice rang out like a call from the ages
Hooper joined in with nothing but grace
And Brody joined too, a smile seen on his face

In that moment of music their fears slipped away
Three souls forged in friendship amidst disarray
For beneath all the bravado and tales of old strife
Was a bond born of courage - the essence of life

As they sailed on the waters where darkness would creep
They found strength in each other - not alone in their leap
Through verses and laughter, they faced what would come
The white shark lurking - lured in from the chum

When their task looked grim, when all looked lost
Quint asked Hooper about the cage he had brought
"I think I can kill him," Hooper said to his friends
"If I can get close enough, all our worries will end."

They lowered his cage - Quint was not yet convinced
You could tell by his face - you could tell by his wince
The beast then confirmed what Quint already knew
That cage was a joke, a monkey cage view

The shark tore the cage into pieces with ease
But Hooper escaped and swam down in the seas
When fear grips your heart and shadows draw near
It’s camaraderie’s light that can conquer all fear

In the battle above Quint fought with despair
Yet in those dark waters, he had better beware
With screams echoing loud and his hand slipping away
Quint met his fate in a gruesome display

In silence he vanished beneath ocean’s might
A hero consumed by the depths of the night
So remember, dear friends, when you hear ocean’s call
Even the bravest can stumble and fall

Again it attacked, the boat will now sink
Brody cannot prevent falling into the drink
But like a Hollywood ending, with one careful shot
Brody blew up the beast with the tanks Hooper brought

And yet fear remains, with every sea wave
A reminder of all of the lives it gave
It’s more than a story, it’s more than a theme
A nightmare from the ocean? A filmmaker's dream!

And as they swam home, as they swam with the tide
They remembered those lost - they remembered who died
In laughter and sorrow, through thick and through thin
"Amity means friendship." Together, we win.