In the June 1997 issue of Chess Life the U.S. Chess Federation announced a limerick contest to help commemorate the upcoming Garry Kasparov vs. Deep Blue rematch. Prior to this I had never written a limerick before in my life! But it sounded like fun and one of many motto's in life is "How hard can it be?" So I immediately walked across the street to the Mesa City Library and checked out every book on limericks that they had -- just to get a feel for them. After that, since I had been keeping up with this match, I felt I was as equipped as well as anyone else to write one! It took a couple of weeks but below is one of my better efforts. It's sort of a "super limerick" -- it tells the complete story of the match. Enjoy. |
Kasparov vs. Deep Blue; A Limerick
Edward D. Collins
Here's another one I wrote I'm kind of partial to:
You may recall that Garry tried out a couple of rather offbeat openings. With that in mind, I leave you with one more:
Groan!! |