For the first time in 11 years, this page has been UPDATED!

For four years, from 1998 through 2001, at the beginning of every month I posted a new "bikini babe."   With the addition of this page to my website, the number of visitors to my site skyrocketed, with numbers I found hard to believe!

At the end of 2001 I was bored and discontinued this monthly ritual.  And almost immediately I began receiving dozens of e-mails all asking that I continue posting them!

The e-mails I received weren't enough to make me change my mind, but I do wish to thank everyone for writing.

For an additional eleven years, although I wasn't posting any new pics, I left all of these "babes" up on my website.  The number of visitors to my site, most all who found the site via search engines because of these babes, continued to astound me.

In September of 2012 I finally took all of the photos down...

...and replaced them with brand new "babes!"   More than twice as many as before!
And note that all of these images are a much larger resolution than the initial photos! 

Although many of these gals aren't in bikinis, I'm still going to refer to this page as

Ed's Bikini Babes!   



Click on each image for a larger view.

(To disable Firefox from automatically resizing the images, open a new tab, enter about:config in the address bar and hit ENTER,
and then toggle the browser.enable_automatic_image_resizing option from true to false.




IF you have a dual monitor system like me, and IF your resolution is also 3840 by 1080, (unlikely, but it's possible)
here's most of the above images, combined into two different files, suitable to use as your Windows wallpaper! 
(Set up your system to cycle through both of them every minute or two!)

Click the image to see the full size. 



WALLPAPER BONUS #2!  Whoo hoo!

Denise Milani is my favorite pinup gal.  Thus, I just had to create some wallpaper of just her. 

Below are two different images, each 3840 by 1080, of 90 different photos of the lovely Denise.
(If you look carefully, she's wearing a different outfit in each of the 90 photos!)

Again, click the image to see the full size.